
Welcome to CaymanGroup.com and the Cayman group of companies.

  • CaymanCAD.com
  • CaymanDesign.com
  • CaymanNetworks.com
  • CaymanServices.com
  • CaymanSoftware.com
  • CaymanWorks.com
  • CaymanRanch.com

We provide computer hardware and software services tailored to your specific needs. We specialize in Software Engineering, Collaboration, Wireless Networking, and Technology consulting. Please let us know if we can help you realize your goals.


In 1984 I started working with an outstanding group of people at Harris Semiconductor in their CAD department. Our job was to support the Circuit Design groups with design/productivity tools. We used SDA (now Cadence) software in its earliest forms. As time progressed, we enhanced the Cadence software to serve the needs of our Analog Design groups by linking interactive circuit simulation and advanced layout tools into a package we called Harris Fastrack. Eventually, this package was spun off to Cadence and became the Cadence Analog Artist design system. Anyway, through the good times and bad times we often joked about creating a startup to provide CAD tools and services related to this niche and the incredible expertise we had in our group. Because of our love of the beaches and tropical atmosphere we thought we would call our venture Cayman CAD. Now, we have realized our original dream but expanded our scope due to the ever expanding nature of the technology universe. Thanks to all those who have touched our lives along the way and helped us to realize our dreams... -Scott.

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Last Modified: Saturday, June 25, 2022 12:18:35 PM